torstai 15. syyskuuta 2011

From the past

Little things making people happy

And my new hair colour, love it:

Nothing else matters

Nothing special - haven't got enough time to update any photographs up here, especially since my computer's a complete fucking knob. I finally changed driving school so I'll probably be soon getting my driver's license, lessons I've got today and tomorrow (and had one yesterday), so I'm quite pleased how things turned out.

keskiviikko 7. syyskuuta 2011

La la la, take me home

I don't no longer know what's wrong with me. Like some of you may already know, I started my studies in a different vocational school in this August, but it doesn't really seem my thing - for sure tourism and travelling are interesting, it's not about being interested anymore. I just don't have the x-factor in me that makes me sit eight hours a day on my ass in the class, it just feels like nonsense. 

Quite much every morning I go to school for a couple of hours and come back home: or I might start driving to school, but soon I turn back and come back home. And it's not just about sleeping - for sure I'm always tired and willing to sleep in the mornings - but for example today morning I woke up before seven o'clock, no problem, left to school, drove two fucking kilometers and came back. And it really makes me feel like I'm a failure, but I can't help the anguish - it's like a panic attack that's always creeping over me. And at that point it's not really about my own decision or pure sense anymore.

Also I wouldn't want to quit the school since I've already quit two different schools. Dayumn. I'm seriously thinking about calling the other school if I could jump on the media class.

Coffee and NYHC

My friend has an awful flu and some fever so I took her some basic coffee and decorated the package myself, haha. I'm glad she appreciated it. Also I ruined a perfectly fine t-shirt but nevermind about that.